AB tarafından açılan “Mavi Ekonomi” (EMFF) Başlıklı Proje Çağrısı (18.7 Milyon Euro) Hk.

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GİSBİR olarak üyesi olduğumuz SEA Europe tarafından iletilmiş olan “Mavi Ekonomi” (EMFF) kapsamındaki  AB projelerine yönelik genel bilgiler ve çağrı alt başlıkları aşağıdadır.


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EU Funding: €18.7 M available under 2018 “Blue Economy Call” (EMFF) – FOR INFO


The European Commission has launched  a new “Blue Economy Call for Proposals” under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF),  which could be of your (and your member companies’) interest.


The call, which has a total budget of €18.7 Million, has 3 topics (see summary provided below):

  • Blue Labs: innovative solutions for maritime challenges 
  • Blue Careers in Europe
  • Grants for the Blue Economy: investing in innovation.

Applicants can receive up to 80% co-financing for their project (65% for Blue Economy topic).

The call opens for submissions tomorrow 23 October 2018. Companies can apply via the Funding and tender opportunities portal until 31/01/2019.

An Info-Day is taking place in Brussels on 22 November (the event will also be web streamed). Link to register: https://en.xing-events.com/BlueEconomyCall2018.html. The SEA Europe Secretariat will attend the event and inform Members on key outcomes.


  • Topic 1: Blue Labs (EMFF-01-2018): This action aims at promoting innovative “laboratories” to pilot new and economically viable solutions addressing selected maritime and marine challenges and opportunities. The focus of this action is to support young scientists supported by experienced researchers, industry and local stakeholders, to team up and develop innovative technologies, products and services in support of a sustainable blue economy, preserving marine resources and ecosystems. The Blue Labs concept works at the interface between research and commercial exploitation, testing and piloting innovative products and services so that results from research are taken forward closer to the market.
  1. Topic 2: Blue Careers (EMFF-02-2018) This topic promotes innovative approaches to strengthen the cooperation between industry and education in order to bridge the gap between skills’ offer and demand.The applicant’s choice of sector and action has to be based on an analysis of the needs of the labour market and of the industry, including at cross-border level. In order to ensure that supported activities take due account of clearly identified needs, projects should bring together stakeholders from both the industry, education and training providers (both at higher and vocational level).
  • Topic 3: Blue Economy (EMFF-03-2018) Recent reports underlined the existence of considerable funding gaps in scaling up projects from pilot to demonstration projects and moving from demonstration to flagship/first-of-a-kind and industrial-scale projects in different blue growth sectors. In this context, this topic aims to support demonstration projects based on innovative technologies testing/deploying/scaling-up of new industrial or service applications and solutions for the blue economy[3].

The finance support provided under the call is designed to:

  1. Help innovative technologies and/or maritime services improve their market readiness and advance towards market entry, allowing economic players, in particular SMEs, to apply new ideas and research results in marketable goods and services;
  2. Facilitate scaling up business models and service concepts;
  3. De-risk the deployment of these demonstration projects and provide the necessary credibility for these projects to enable them to access other financing for the development of their activities.

Going beyond research/applied research, applicants must explain how their proposals will help innovative technologies and/or maritime services improve their market-readiness and advance towards the commercial phase demonstrating the benefit of a new product, service, process, and system to potential clients in a real environment.

In this respect, the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the proposed actions must be between 6 (“technology demonstrated in relevant environment”) and 9 (“actual system proven in operational environment”)[4], as defined in Commission Decision C(2014)4995[5].

You can find the thorough information on this call in this document. See also the infographic.