Horizon 2020 İle İlgili Olarak Brüksel’de Yapılacak Etkinlikler Hakkında

GİSBİR olarak, üyesi olduğumuz SEAEurope tarafından AB Parlementosu ve European Council for Maritime Applied R&D (ECMAR) tarafından Horizon 2020 kapsamında aşağıdaki etkinliklerin yapılacağı bilgisi iletilmiş olup, ekte ise kayıt/içerik detayları bulunmaktadır. Aşağıda “Uygun olabilecek kapsamlar” başlığında bulunan konular için işbirliği yapmak isteyen üye ve paydaşlarımızın bilgilerine sunar, iyi çalışmalar dileriz.

8 October 2018: The European Parliament will organize a public hearing regarding Horizon Europe. The announcement and the program of the hearing are attached to this e-mail. It is of importance that our industry will be participating in the event, although it is organized on a day which is already fully packed with other events. Registration is not needed.

11 and 12 October 2018: ECMAR will organize a maritime brokerage event and technology day, please find the invitation attached to this e-mail.

Uygun olabilecek kapsamlar:

2018-2020 Mobility for Growth:

Invitation: ECMAR Maritime Brokerage Event and Technology Day

Registration open

Dear Sir / Madam,

ECMAR (European Council for Maritime Applied Research) is pleased to invite you to the 2018 edition of the ECMAR Maritime Brokerage Event and Technology Day that will take place in Bruxelles on 11 and 12 October 2018.

About ECMAR Maritime Brokerage Event and Technology Day
ECMAR Maritime Brokerage  Event will provide an overview on opportunities in the next round of calls for proposals under Horizon 2020 as well as giving insight into the achievements made in running projects and into initiatives like WATERBORNE targeting next Framework Programme Horizon Europe. 
It will be the ideal place to meet maritime R&D experts and find opportunities for cooperation with European partners.


The first day (October 11th Technology Day) several speakers will give a presentation about achievements of EU Innovation Projects coordinated or participated by ECMAR members. The event will start at 13:00.

During the second day (October 12th Maritime Brokerage Event) there will be brokerage sessions with presentations that will give you detailed information on specific Horizon2020 calls followed by parallel sessions giving you a chance to meet potential partners. The event will start at 09:00 and will end with lunch at 13:00.

A detailed agenda will follow shortly.

11th and 12th October 2018

Regione Liguria 
Rue du Trône 62 
1050 Bruxelles 

Costs and registration

The even is hosted by ECMAR and free of charge.

Please register using the following link:

For more information contact the organizing committee via 
[email protected]

Kind Regards,

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